Safety, Health & Environment protection are integral part of our Business Principles.
Safety, Health & Environment Policy
Rusoma Laboratories Private Limited is dedicated to protecting environment as well as health & safety of its employees. Our emphasis is not only to meet but exceed compliance levels of State & Local environmental regulations.
We strive to minimize / eliminate pollution generated at source with a view to avoid any adverse effect to the environment.
We also follow ISO 45001:2018 i.e. occupational health & safety management systems & ISO 14001:2015 i.e. environmental management systems to strengthen our commitment towards Safety Health & Environment protection.
We have installed Bag Filter on Boiler which ensures 0% carbon emission & all the carbon collected gets reused.
All human waste & liquid discharge from process gets treated in our state-of-art Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) / Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). The treated water then gets reused in our garden.
Our complete Bio-Medical Waste gets treated by HOSWIN Incinerator Pvt. Ltd. & disposal of Hazardous Waste gets done by RAMKY Enviro Engineers Ltd.